post Non Standard Construction Insurance 2018

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Non Standard Home, Timber Framed Homes

Non Standard Construction Insurance 2018

The New Year is settling in nicely, it’s 2018 and if you have exciting renovation, expansion or even new build plans for the year ahead, then don’t let non standard construction insurance hold you back. We discuss the reasons why non standard construction has previously has a bad name and why all that is changing in 2018.


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Why non standard is standard

With an estimated 1 million non standard construction builds in the UK, arguably the term ‘non standard construction’ commands a certain degree of irony. Nevertheless, a property that doesn’t consist of brick or block walls with a pitched, tiled roof and concrete foundations, falls into the non standard construction insurance bracket.


Over the centuries of home building in the UK, the construction industry has been naturally creative, proving that there is far more than just one effective way to build a home. There are timber frame, steel frame and concrete frame homes, flat roof, eco roof and thatched roof homes and of course cob houses, Huf Haus’s and houses with wattle and daub walls, to list just a few. There are hundreds of thousands of non standard builds up and down the country, each one with their own unique style, benefits and drawbacks to property owners.


The non standard construction make-over

In post-war Britain non standard construction was used as a solution to the need for affordable housing quickly. Many of these homes are still going strong and many, primarily concrete builds, are not. These quick-fix non standard construction homes were not built with longevity as a priority, although that doesn’t mean that many didn’t achieve it. This has given non standard builds an understandably bad reputation. However, recent innovation and environmental awareness is changing all this.


Typically non standard methods of construction are at the cutting edge of architectural advances, providing the inspiration behind bespoke, eco-friendly and long lasting homes, with an emphasis on maximising light and space. So, if 2018 is your year to build that extension or even to build your own home and you are attracted by the many advantages offered by a non standard solution, there is no need to let non standard construction insurance stand in your way.


Similarly, if you are considering buying a non standard property, but are concerned about the insurance, all you need is an insurer who understands the advantages and disadvantages of the various non standard construction methods and who can provide a specialist quote based on your unique requirements.


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All you need is a specialist non standard construction insurance broker

As specialist Brokers of non standard construction insurance for both buildings and contents, at Highworth Insurance any one of our experienced Account Managers can happily discuss this with you and provide a quick and straightforward quote. Once you have the numbers, it is so much easier to make an informed decision and at least where non standard construction insurance is concerned, it may not be as bad as first assumed.


Call us today to discuss on 01202 937430. Monday to Friday between 9am and 6:30pm and on Saturdays between 9am and 12:30pm.

To discuss your insurance needs with an experienced account manager please call 01202 937430 or apply online to get an instant quote
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